
for the week of Sunday January 1, 2023

Hello everyone!

Happy Holidays everyone! What an awesome and fun Christmas service & party we all had together! We are looking forward to kicking off 2023 together as a family =)

Here are the announcements for this week:

Sunday Service

Korean translation of the sermon now given right after service in the office!

Sun, January 1, 11:00am, Sinchon & YouTube (No sign-up required)
We invite you to come and worship with us and feast together on His Word & His Goodness! Please know that public parking is scarce and expensive!

Also, we welcome you to pray with us at our pre-service prayer meeting at 10:30am! Building entrance passcode is 0329*.

Children's Ministry: Please reply to this email if you plan on bringing your child =)
Streaming link:

New Years Lunch

Please sign up below if you will be coming to the New Years Lunch

New Years Dumpling making party + Lunch
New Years lunch - DUMPLING RICE CAKE SOUP 떡만두국 (7,000 krw)
If you would like to learn how to make dumplings and would like to help, join us at 9:45am on New Years Day at church and help us make them for lunch!

Sign up link:

Serve on Children's Ministry & Hospitality Team

We are in need of some more volunteers! We would love to invite you to join the CM team or the Hospitality team! These are great opportunities to serve in this house and help out =) After signing up, the ministry team leader will contact you.


Prayer Request Form

We (staff) would love to pray for you! Please fill out this form if you'd like to be covered in prayer, or if you'd like to share a testimony/praise report of what God has done in your life! This announcement will be in these emails moving forward, and our staff will be sure to pray for you.


K1 Prayer Tab

Thursday evenings at 8pm, Sinchon Sanctuary
K1 Prayer Tab is our house of prayer that has prayer watches on Thursday evenings at 8pm. Join us as we worship, pray, and minister to the heart of God. Please know that sometimes the building entrance is locked in the evenings. If you get locked out, the passcode to that door is 0329*.

Tithes & Offering

At New Philly, we believe that financial stewardship is a reflection of a Gospel-transformed, Word-honoring and God-trusting heart that pleases God and matures the believer. The practice of financial stewardship expresses dependence on God, worship towards God & reflects the generosity of God. Practically, it is the generosity of the community that covers the rent of the sanctuary & office, the salaries of NP Staff, and contributes towards church-related events & activities. Whether you are visiting for a short while, joining us online, or growing together with us in the long run, we encourage & exhort you to give faithfully, generously, and cheerfully.

Tithes & Offering Account: Shinhan (신한) 100-030-693336 뉴필라델피아교회
For more payment options or to give in USD, click HERE

May the Lord bless you and keep you,
New Philly Staff